Picture from Ford's Cove the other day....during a break from the storm.

What can I say....the weather has been horrid in the last few weeks and we have seen rain, wind, snow, hail and sun. As usual, during the big winds power outages are the norm. This time we had 34 hours without power and no ferries for most of it. For some reason, they still have the summer ferry running which does not do well during wind storms. Nellie and Mojo are not enjoying the storms much either and they both get quite freaked out when there is a power outage which then drives us somewhat insane.
Nellie at 13 1/2 (which makes her about 98 years old if she were a human) and Mojo at 10.

Sam is continuing with his ukulele club and is also partaking in a folk music workshop and music theory lessons with Marc Atkinson and is loving it. I have quit Tai Chi due to the fact that I wasn't practicing and forgot from one week to the next what I was doing but have done a few painting workshops with Tara Ireland. Sam and I have also joined the wine club and plan on making lots of wine in the near future!
My painting workshops have now ended but a couple of us from the group including the teacher will be participating in a show at the Island Gallery during Easter. These are some of the paintings that I have been working on in my studio/alcove (in the house) in the last few weeks. I also have a another 10 paintings in a bag from the workshop that just need a little tweaking.

Well, time to go. I hope the next time I post we are really into Spring! Please.....